The Day After
I’m not exactly a party pooper. It’s just that I don’t feel comfortable in a crowd of unfamiliar drunks. Office parties are fine, but they should be scheduled on weekends.…Continue Reading →
I’m not exactly a party pooper. It’s just that I don’t feel comfortable in a crowd of unfamiliar drunks. Office parties are fine, but they should be scheduled on weekends.…Continue Reading →
This tag thing reminds me of the relay races I used to participate in at school and never won. I…
Blood is life. Blood is important, therefore blood relations are so valued and letters of passion are written in the…
I counted. It’s 40 steps from the street below to my third floor flat. Mount Everest is 8,848 meters high. I remember. The population of India is more than a…Continue Reading →
When the distances are unchallenging, I prefer to traverse them on my own feet. Last Saturday, there wasn’t much to…
Whenever my blank-balance starts to get a little cozy, my palms start itching. My last itch-session led me to get…
“The Indian blogging community (or blogosphere, as it likes to call itself) is essentially a bitchy, selfindulgent and an almost incestuous network comprising journalists, wannabe-writers and a massive army of…Continue Reading →
Ever since the blog came into being, it has given a voice to millions who had otherwise preferred to remain…
Many days ago while consuming my daily diet of printed news I noticed something which offended me a little. The comic strip Bulls $ Bears (on the business page of…Continue Reading →
There are writers with million dollar advances, columnists who wine and dine with the who’s who, correspondents globetrotting on company…
Eavesdropping is a proscribed pleasure. Though I don’t actually stick my ear into keyholes, but occasionally unwillingly or otherwise overhear…