The Emperor's New Chairs

Modernisation has been the motto of many a ruler. But Emperor Menelik II (1844-1913) of Abyssinia (now Ethopia) takes the…


Bodily Disowned

Devoid of any worldly possessions, the least a man possesses is his own self. In 1890 a Swedish gentlemen desperately in need of money signed a contract with the Caroline…Continue Reading →

Dear Friend…

The worth of a friend like all other good things in life is best realised in their absence. I make…


The Remix Revolution

No, this is not about the stupid TV serial where XI standard students are taught history, chemistry and accountancy in…


The Marathon Runners

Every locality has its character actors. The types who happen to be present on every occasion. They might not be the life of the gathering, but their absence makes things…Continue Reading →

Music for a Song

Online piracy has been for long a nuisance to the music industry. Much publicised battles have been fought on the…


Organic Empathy

A Muslim woman undergoes a kidney transplant in Mumbai. All she knows about her brain dead donor is that he…