Blue Jeans in my Genes

Little did the young immigrant from Bavaria called Levi Strauss and a Nevada tailor named Jacob Davis realize while filing for their patent for ‘Improvement in Fastening Pocket-Openings,’ that it…Continue Reading →

Casting My Caste

The caste-ridden Hindi heartland of India is often quite predictable. The query about an individual’s name is inevitably followed by…


Think About It

“Since merit is largely a matter of reputation, it often happens that men of ability and learning are ignored because…


Someone Stole My Blog

Is imitation the best form of flattery? I accidentally discovered my blog’s twin yesterday; a replica sans the template, the…


Funny Side Up

[Way back in 2002, having made one of my juvenile attempts at writing, I promptly submitted the draft to the university’s feature service and was paid Rs. 150 as compensation…Continue Reading →