Some Seismic Sense Sought
The earth quivers and hell descends on earth. We may blame the forces of nature for the devastation. But it is human nature, as I mentioned in my last post,…Continue Reading →
The earth quivers and hell descends on earth. We may blame the forces of nature for the devastation. But it is human nature, as I mentioned in my last post,…Continue Reading →
Early Saturday morning, the shift just started and we were planning for the weekend. Suddenly someone exclaimed, “EARTHQUAKE!” I couldn’t…
Exclusive, I type the word and press Ctrl+Alt+W on my keyboard. WordWeb (a very handy software) presents me these meanings…
The guiding force of the universe has a great sense humor. It loves to have some fun at our expense. You wait in a long queue and when your turn…Continue Reading →
There is an animal inside every man, which occasionally reveals itself. Thankfully there’s isn’t a man inside every animal, therefore…
Men would have happily remained men, but then came marriage – a social conspiracy to deprive a man of his…
I had heard many an anecdote about the rest of India wondering about the existence of places in North-eastern India. I in my ignorance about the knowledge of ‘mainland’ Indians…Continue Reading →
It’s that time of the year when mother Durga embarks on her annual vacation, family and pets in tow. The…
“What do you want to be when you grow up?” – The second most common question which bored grownups put…