The Remix Revolution

No, this is not about the stupid TV serial where XI standard students are taught history, chemistry and accountancy in the same stream; where the school mysteriously turns into a…Continue Reading →

Music for a Song

Online piracy has been for long a nuisance to the music industry. Much publicised battles have been fought on the…


Organic Empathy

A Muslim woman undergoes a kidney transplant in Mumbai. All she knows about her brain dead donor is that he…


Blue Jeans in my Genes

Little did the young immigrant from Bavaria called Levi Strauss and a Nevada tailor named Jacob Davis realize while filing for their patent for ‘Improvement in Fastening Pocket-Openings,’ that it…Continue Reading →

Casting My Caste

The caste-ridden Hindi heartland of India is often quite predictable. The query about an individual’s name is inevitably followed by…


Think About It

“Since merit is largely a matter of reputation, it often happens that men of ability and learning are ignored because…