Sony Vaio P Series and ad for Sony Vaio Z seriesSlim legs of a girl clad in jens tower over the traffic. And she’s trying to tuck in into her rear pocket a netbook – the Sony Vaio P. Though Sony slots it as a “Lifestyle PC” and is promoting it as “the world’s lightest 8″ notebook”.

When I first came to know about Sony’s netbook plans, a Sony ad for the bigger Vaio Z series came to my mind.

The ad made fun of the ultra-portable laptops, showing a man using a magnifying glass to work on it.


But the ways of the market and the needs of the consumer make even the high and mighty stoop. The phenomenal success of the netbook genre (and rightly so) has forced everyone to scamper aboard.

But Sony being Sony, it comes with a steep price tag $900. The price of the Sony Vaio P in India is reported to be Rs 50,000 and Rs 65,000. But I must accept, it is the best looking one around.


Asus also seems to have taken Sony’s que at promoting the netbook as a lifestyle statement. Received this via email a while ago:

Asus EeePC

Yesterday, a friend got an Acer Aspire One – I tinkered with it for a while and came to the conclusion that my Asus EeePC 1000H was a better buy.

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· Review: Asus Eee PC 1000H