Remember the good (?) ol’ days when our air space (now cable space) was monopolised by Doordarshan and a hundred and one (I know there are more) channels were not jostling for TRP (eyeball) ratings? Remember the mesmerising Bharat Ek Khoj /Discovery of India? Recall the Ek Chidiya, Anek Chidiya… animated film? I know you do and so do I.

Surfing through the net, I stumbled across them. The soundtrack of Bharat Ek Khoj and the Ek Chidiya, Anek Chidiya video. Some good souls had posted them on their blogs and I’m simply passing it on.

Bharat Ek Khoj

Title Song:

Ending Titles:


Ek aur Anek Ekta



Categories: Uncategorized


Nostalgic Stuff

  1. No, some of us Americans have to stay home to make those cool weapons that kill so well in Irag and Afgahnastan. 😉BOOM!

  2. Hey there!Me and my friend are having a story battle and we want YOU, to judge our stories to see which one is better.My story will be posted in parts and you can acess my competition’s from my comments. All comments on our blogs must only pretain to the story. All others can either be posted on my Xanga ( or e-mailed to me at Thanks,Deathly Fish

  3. HI, i just wanted to say that i am much better then that stupid girl!…vote for me!..MINE’S BETTER…I BEG OF YOU!!!!PLEASE!!!

  4. Thanks for posting the “Bharat Ek Khoj” and “Ek, Anek, aur Ekta” stuff. I wish you (or I) knew where I could buy the Bharat Ek Khoj DVDs… .I do think that the days of Doordarshan’s monopoly were, in many ways, better than these days of 24 hour cable tripe.(I have now downloaded the stuff… perhaps I shall post them on my own webpage.)Cheers!

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