It snowed in Kashmir and rained in Delhi. I was on the way to office, the phone buzzed. It was my reliable jurno friend on the other end. “There’s a fire at Barakhamba Road,” she warned. I checked my bag and the camera was there. “Something for the blog,” I smiled to myself. By the time I reached there, the firemen had done their job. “Damn!” I said. “No blazing flames, no good photograph.” Doesn’t the news industry also behave like me? Waiting for a disaster to happen, things to go wrong, in a big and ‘newsworthy’ way. So that they can bask in professional glory. No glory for me here, only a few unphotogenic photographs.

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I Missed the Fire

  1. I totally love your blog.It keeps me in touch with reality.So when I get lost in my own fantasies..I come back here and to similar such spaces.But I have come back to this post..4 times in the last 2 days..Doesn’t the crassness of the situation bother you?Its like when we doctors sit around a table and say damn the patient died, he was a good case of blah blah..and you missed it.Or is it just my misplaced emotions doing a topsy turvy dance again…Disclaimer:I am not trying to question your morality here, just an introspection.

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