Pandal-hopping is a Durga Puja essential. But for that you need to know where the pandals are. Use and contribute to this crowd-sourced map.

Pandal-hopping is a Durga Puja essential. But for that you need to know where the pandals are.

In smaller towns, where you know the place inside out, you know exactly where to head to. But in larger cities or in a new place, you want to go, but don’t know where to or whom to ask.

Durga Puja map

Even after 15 years in Delhi, I really don’t know where all the pujas are, even in the part of the city I live in. And having a Durga Puja map to guide people like me around would be great. So thought of putting up a crowd-sourced map of Durga Puja pandals around the world.

I am adding the pandals I know of to the map and would request you to also contribute (also ask other to add to it.)

Durga Puja pandal map

Adding a location is easy. You also don’t have to log in to do that. Go to

Then go to ‘Additions’ > ‘Add Marker – Simple’ > In the window that opens search for your location and fill in the name of the Durga Puja and click ‘Submit’.

If you wish to you could also add a description and image to it. In case you want to add more, under the ‘Add Marker – Detailed’ there are multiple options to add to your entry, including audio, video and website.

This will continue to be a living map to which everyone can contribute to.

You can also directly add in the embedded map by clicking on the + icon.

And when you are out pandal-hopping suggest you bookmark on your mobile phone’s browser. As the map is Google-powered it integrates well with Google Maps for turn-by-turn directions.