Update: The symbol for the Indian Rupee has been officially included in the latest release of the Unicode Standard (ver 6.0.0)

Though this is the FIRST font to support the new symbol for the Indian Rupee, I suggest that you also take a look at some of the other Rupee fonts available.

Foradian Technologies has also come up with a font that supports the new Rupee symbol.

There was much excitement today over the new Cabinet-sanctioned symbol for the Indian Rupee. Rupee was also a top trending topic on Twitter today and still is (at the time of posting).

Interestingly, the design by D Udaya Kumar didn’t feature amongst the five short-listed symbols circulated in the media last month.

Here are the short-listed symbols printed in the Delhi edition of The Times of India dated June 24:

Shortlisted Symbols for the  Indian Rupee
Shortlisted Symbols for the Indian Rupee - The Times of India June 24

Anyway the chosen symbol looks far better than the five shown above and I quite like it.

New Indian Rupee Symbol
The new symbol for the Indian Rupee

What saddened me a little is that no one seemed to care about the poor Paise/Paisa. If the Cent can have its symbol, so should the Paise. I modified Udaya Kumar’s Rupee a bit to (unofficially) represent the Paise.

Unofficial Indian Paise Symbol

It’ll take a while before the new Rupee symbol gets the necessary standards approvals and is incorporated into the existing software (and also new hardware). So for the interim, I’ve put together a Rupee font that you can download, install and then use.

You may download the Rupee.ttf font file from here.

While this may be the first ever font to support the Rupee symbol, it is also an amateurish effort (of mine) at font creation and is also non-standard.

Categories: Downloads India


Download the New Rupee Symbol Font (and a Symbol for the Paise)

  1. @praveen While I appreciate Foradian Technologies’ efforts at creating a font for the Rupee but then the facts should be set right.

    The Foradian Rupee font was created on July 16 (both their blog post and the date mentioned in the font version corroborate this). While mine may be an amateurish effort, but it was created at least a day earlier on July 15 and I had also tweeted about it followed by this post on my blog, also dated July 15.

    This should put to rest any doubt on which is the first font to support the new Rupee symbol. And I offer no challenge if the debate is about which is the better Rupee font.

  2. Hi,

    Saw your tweet and its understood u gave the first effort and created the font. Google search didnt result it at the time we created the font. We will include a credit link to this post as the first font created for Rupee symbol. Is that fine for you ?

    There are some other people also who contacted us telling about their font being created before ours. eg: http://www.angelfire.com/ultra/alexben/

  3. Foradian is an internet engineering company which believes in power of people.

    We know font creation is not rocket science. But the timely launching and correct marketing worked great. Thank you for the good words.

    I will be following your twitter and blog. This is a great moment for both foradian and you. Keep in touch

    1. Since the Paise symbol isn’t official, therefore didn’t include it in the font. I created the symbol just for fun. But it gives me an idea to come up with a full-fledged Rupee font (that also includes the Paise and other India-centric symbols). I’ll need to brush up my typography.

      @Unni Maybe Foradian can come up with an India-enabled font that not includes the Roman alphabet but also other signs and symbols used in a day in the life of India.

  4. Congratulations for being the first in creating the font for Indian Rupee. And it is so nice to see you and foradian complementing each other. Good work Guys. All the best.

  5. i really thank the creator from deep of my hart as he has created history waith this symbol.I SALUTE YOU SIR.

  6. Great work!

    Too bad the paise symbol will never be used – not because its not a good idea – but because inflation is so high that nothing is purchasable in paise these days.

    Any coin below 1 rupee is almost a rarity now.

    Maybe we should officially replace the 50 paisa coin with a sweet. Maybe we could have a symbol for anything below a rupee as a sweet!



  7. Hi all, I am doing a project name as Paisa. I wish to know if I can use the new Rupee logo in my project title or logo “Paisa” or whether I can modified and use it to reflect India money. Many thanks in advance.

    1. Yes, you can use the rupee symbol anywhere, just as you can use the dollar, pound or euro symbol. In case you want to use the symbol for paise, you can find the symbol suggested by D Udaya Kumar here.

  8. credit can be given to foradian for creating a vector version of the symbol and converting it into a font. however, what i noticed was that it’s not a true font as such. while it certainly made a difference to many people – I felt it was just a vector image. the overwhelming reaction of the news media and others was just too much. we are such a shallow society that seems to be concentrating too much on making waves, less on quality. I dont blame foradian in any way, but I do feel that we are not academic enough to notice a difference!

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