has deleted my account because I apparently violated their terms of service. I assume that it has something to do about the ads that I upload, they might have interpreted it as promotion for the goods/services. The worst part is that I wasn’t even informed.

Though my intention, as any regular reader of this blog would agree, was never to promote a particular product. It was to put at one place ads that people love and those from another age that I managed to dig out. It was for the students and the researchers and the ad lovers.

I hope restores my account or at least lets me download the content, so that I can put them up elsewhere (where they will be less likely to be taken off). Should have kept a backup of so many years of effort. I have some, but not all.

I used to host my videos because I found it much better than any other video sharing services out there. Though I didn’t intend to use ads on the videos (it doesn’t pay much anyway), I did because my conscience told so. So that the good guys at get some benefit from providing me with their (till now) excellent service.

To be fair to I even got paid for my share of the advertising revenue that the videos I uploaded generated and reinvested it back to my online interests.

Till the time I put things back in order, please bear with the videolessness (also some audio) on this blog. And this could take a while.


No videos! Because deleted my account

  1. Soumyadip, this sounds quite unprofessional on their part and hope the account is restored at the earliest. Your blog has been a brilliant source of the most creative and entertaining ads and I hope it continues in spite of this blip!

  2. Very surprising and very unfortunate. Infact it was from your Blog that I got such a personalzed Video Portal. Although You Tube is there, but I have also certain ads…! Guess they have been deleted already!

  3. Please continue writing…miss you not updating your blog…you were the earliest ones who ignited my interest in the concept of blogging.

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