Vodafone ZoozoosEver since the ads started airing during the ongoing IPL season, everyone everywhere is gushing about them. And they are indeed cute.

I was surprised when I discovered that the loveable egg-headed humanoids aren’t digitally generated but real people in costumes.

Update: da Cunha Communications spreads out a Amul topical ad on the Zoozoo phenemenon:

Amul Vodafone Zoozoo Ad

O&M and Nirvana Films have put together a series that we all would remember for long and I’m putting all that I can find at one place. Enjoy.

[I’ve kept the videos light so that they play smoothly in Indian internet conditions and will keep adding to this collection as new ads go on air]

Vodafone Zoozoos – Independence Day

Vodafone Zoozoos – Torch

Vodafone Zoozoos – Exam Results

Vodafone Zoozoos – Background Music

Vodafone Zoozoos – Call Divert

Vodafone Zoozoos – Email

Vodafone Zoozoos – Facebook

Vodafone Zoozoos – Group SMS

Vodafone Zoozoos – Ringtones/Silent

Vodafone Zoozoos – Recharge Anywhere

Vodafone Zoozoos – Fashion Tips

Vodafone Zoozoos – Voice SMS

Vodafone Zoozoos – Magic Box 2

Busy Message

Backup Phonebook

Beauty Tips

Bhakti Sagar

Call Filter

Cricket Alerts

Chhota Credit

Cricket Commentary

Dating Tips


International Roaming

Magic Box Two Year Replacement


Star of the Match 2

Star of the Match

Musical Greetings

Stock Alerts


Vodafone Zoozoo Ads – The Complete Collection

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