This video is making quite a wave on the World Wide Web and some males (and a few females) wish they had been born a Hardee’s Western Bacon Thickburger. First the ad, the gyan can come later.
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Download for mobile [00:01:01 3GP 1.11 MB]Created by the Los Angeles-based advertising agency, Mendelsohn|Zien, the ads are supposed to start running from March 30. And the ex-Mrs Rushdie was chosen because of what she wrote in her 2007 cookbook Tangy, Tart, Hot and Sweet (maybe also because of her speciality in what is described as ‘food porn’:
I…started wolfing down bacon Western cheeseburgers after school at Carl’s Jr. The sublimely pleasurable taste of bacon…was further enhanced by its mingling with the barbecue sauce, greedily licked off as it dripped down my teenage fingers.
A “tradition of pairing beautiful women with decadent burgers,” that’s how they describe it. In 2005 they had put together a raunchy ad for a burger, that didn’t initially look like one for a burger (resembled a professionally made soft-porn trailer), with Paris Hilton (who else?).
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Before lustily globbling up the burger Padma Lakshmi had, back in 2004, served herself as the ‘Dish of the Day’ [Text | Image] against which some people has raised objections that were later rejected by the Advertising Standards Authority.
*loosens collar*