Translating the below word by word is beyond my ability; if someone believes that he/she can do it, please do.

A couple of these were thrown inside the autorickshaw I was returning from work in. These visiting card-sized advertisements are quite popular with the practitioners of the ‘supernatural’ arts of black magic and the like. Such ads are also frequently found pasted on the panes of Delhi’s city buses.

This Guru Saheb Ji Bangali (the Bangali suffix is common with the black magic men given Bengal’s association with such ‘arts’) promises results within two hours and this would be backed by a ‘guarantee card.’ He also declares himself the uncrowned king of black magic.

All kinds of woes have their possible cures with him and announces his ‘specialist status’ in a few of the fields. Lovelorn couples are especially invited for consultation. Though the consultation fees are Rs 151, there is a Rs 100 discount on the presentation of the card. And visitors have to bring along two incense sticks.

Even the best of professionals in the non-magical fields cannot exude such confidence.

Cigarette packets in India are yet to get the skull and bones symbol, but the warning on this card – ‘Black magic may result in death’ – is accompanied by one.

The believers in black magic and witchcraft are many and include many from the upwardly mobile educated class. If only we had more faith in our abilities than such mumbo-jumbo.

[The contact details have been blurred on purpose]

Categories: Uncategorized


Black Magic Advertising

  1. Ustad baba bengali is a cult hit on orkut, you should just check the number of memebers of that group. I wonder if the govt will seek to ban them under the Drugs and Magic Remedies Act!!

  2. <>Abhiroop<>: No I haven’t. But thanks to him we can at least relieve ourselves in peace while travelling on the rails.

  3. i don’t know about any one. i am lucky that i got the right person who helped me. paid well over £8000. i heard about that guy from bangol. name guru kamran khan and his website kamran khan store. i had to sell my property to have the money arranged for him but trust me it was worth every cent. few months ago i contacted him on the phone. he explain everything to me in a great detail. i was sick and tired of fake peer and shit ass name guru’s.

    when i got this name from a very well know old man in bangol when i was visiting there. he told me about this guy. his words were.

    ” he lives in asia location (some where near india). he lives a life of a normal person but he perform magic with a very unique way which he have never seen it before. i was afraid to touch him. his speed to success is very fast which shows the sign that he is the devil him self walking on this earth. name as known as kahn”

    well i tried many places, he was no where to found. one day i was sitting with my friends on pc and start searching for black magic and bang i was daam lucky that i got his appeared on the web links.

    i got to his website and contact him asap.

    i’m dam married and about to have a kid with the girl of my dream.

    i’m the luckiest guy who got his love back in his life.

    i never cared whether he is the devil himself or works for the devil. i got what i wanted.


  4. i only have saved money £2,700. can i get any discount…. i promise i will on monthly bases..

    please mr. guru kamran saab …. please help me …. i have been given your name from a giy who lives on bangol ….

    his name is Kanta Nako you may know him …. please help me

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