Yet another matrimonial site, but at least the idea is applaudable. How many of us Indian men can truly say and mean these words, “I just want you… I don’t want dowry?” (Please exclude the heads-over-heels-in-love types) I hope we all do. Prove me right.
Update: May 4, 2006
Also check this
Photo courtesy
I hope so too.
Whoa! Dude, what happened here while I was away? Must say, thats a lot of effort…!
Yeah, I saw the news item on this site. I hope it has some social impact.
I do!!!and watsthematter??????suddenly u r checking matrimonial sites?????planning to get married?????
A really cool blog this.
<>Rita<> All of us in our senses do, but do we number enough?<>Shivangi<> The world’s changin’ so am I<>AFJ<> I too hope it does<>Dwaipayan<> No bro, no knotty plans soon. Just happened to chance upon the site.<>Psychacid<> Thanks
What is the grantee that if your marriage does not suceed and ifyour wife say you had asked dowry, will any one belive and will notsend your age old parents, pregent sister behind the bar,irrespective you want dowry or not ?That is called 498A and DV act.Secondly, would you please tell me :-What is called “Dowry” and waht is called “Streedhan”.Next waht is called SOWRY?Some people born as Blind and some People made blind by so calledFeminist, I wonder which one you are.Yes when a Dishonest Daughter- in- law will rape some one’s Mother,sister or small child, we proudly say.. I don’t want dowry , pleaseleave me, but Indian Law and society will not understand that, youhave not asked dowry….
I want lots of dowry any body interested contact
There is noyhing wrong in taking the dowry
It is the type of support to the new family
I am goin for an arranged marriage without dowry. So did my parents. So you’re not right