Leaf of the Earth
Two Wheel Connect to the Outside World
No Bark, No Bite
Silent Waters
Shade in the Bamboo Grove
Stretch of Green
The land of my land

Wherever you are, whatever you do, there’s always something that roots you in. A place, a people that lend a sense of belonging. Sometimes it’s a place that you’ve only heard of or somewhere you only briefly resided in. The place you’d love to call home, but it actually isn’t. Such is my native village for me.

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Meri Desh Ki Dharti

  1. some times < HREF="http://gaizabonts.blogspot.com/2005/12/youre-from_27.html" REL="nofollow">roots<>roots elude you… 🙂

  2. abaniko is right. the pics are excellent. even i’m admitting it. and i like the place. coz i locate a lichen patch on the tree in the last pic. that means this place must be free from polution… btw, u r becoming a good photographer day by day

  3. “Nobody takes a picture of something they want to forget.”“Most people don’t take snapshots of the little things. The used Band-Aid, the guy at the gas station, the wasp on the Jell-O. But these are the things that make up the true picture of our lives. People don’t take pictures of these things.” Sy Parrish < HREF="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0265459/quotes" REL="nofollow">One Hour Photo<>

  4. yeah, I know what you mean. I have fond memories of my holidays spent in my village with the whole brood of cousins,jumping in the pond, running off to the bore, where frsh water gushes out on your face, the bamboo groves,and the warm breeze,,,and sleeping under the moon on wooden cots…..

  5. ‘Meri Desh Ki Dharti’ is so soothing. As if it generating peace, tranquility, far from the madding Delhi crowd. And because it is your original thought. One original thought is worth a thousand mindless quotings.It seems ‘Mindless Musings of an Unmindful Mind’ is quite mindful.

  6. I liked the leafy pic the best. Bangla has this word which I find difficult to translate. It’s called “taan.” Very obviously, some things will exert a “taan” on you wherever you go.

  7. Soumyadip, eta kothai? It looks like eternal and eternally beautiful gram Bangla, but then you said you were in Shillong and grew up in the North-east. My father’s village is picturesque like this. A little river flows next to it, ducks cackle in the ponds. So green it dazzles your eyes. Someday I’ll get less lazy and scan the pics. Or buy a digital camera before my next trip.

  8. Wish you Happiness and Joy…And Blessings for the New Year.Wish you the best of everything…That you so well deserve.HAPPY NEW YEAR SOUMYA !!!

  9. <>Atul<> roots are really elusive, after all they remain hidden underground and we have to dig deep to find them.<>Abaniko<> home defies the laws of physics. The farther you are away from it, the more it attracts.<>Dwaipayan<> The botanist in you has spoken.<>Aklanta<> So true.<>Shivangi<> Sometimes the camera saves hours of writing. The Photoshop play is on, but the results will take a while in coming online.<>Aquamarine<> The contrast of our concrete jungle existence makes us city-zens long for the country.<>Barsha<> Occasionally the heart rules over the mindless mind.<>Animal Lover<> They are cute as long as they don’t bark and bite.<>AFJ<> Yes the <>taan<> has a powerful pull.<>Sindhu Thanks.<><>Country Lad Shivam<> It has to be, it’s the main mode of transportation there. I always wanted to be able to cycle to office, but Delhi …<>Thalassa_Mikra<> Yes it is gram Bangla, but not in the present Bengal. Shillong is the place I like to call home, but this village near the Indo-Bangla border in south Assam is where my father grew up and my grandparents breathed their last.<>Sangeeta<> Pictures are always more expressive than words. Atleast in my case.<>Avik<> Thanks for the wishes and a very Happy New Year to you too.

  10. I was brought up in a small town in WB and I still relate to and bond withat place. I do not visit the town now as my parents have moved out, but whenever I think of childhood and school, I think of that city which I still call my hometown 🙂

  11. i love the fourth pic, big time. amazing composition. where were these clicked? i have been to a village just once… had an experience of my life..

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