This blog thing interested me for long. I always thought of starting my own. But, lethargy always got the better of me. Tonight, when I had some time to spare after work, I thought .. LETS GO!!! And Ho! Here I am… with a blog of my own. Since I consider myself a novice in this blogging business, I’ll try some more brain raking for my next one.

Categories: Uncategorized


Me too BLOGGER!!!

  1. have followed your blog for quite a long time now.was even planning to file my first post on 29th may.don’t know why…….but just failed to do so yesterday..have posted my own for the first time today………hope i too celebrate my 1st anniversary(atleast!)congratulation for yours!!!!!!!!!!!god bless you……..

  2. i have been trying to blog from 2005, but could not maintain the blog, i think the ideas were limited and i was stubborn to change the way i wanted to write…
    following your blog from past few months inspired me and i have come to blogspot from xanga and will try to bring vigor to this new blog by being more active than before,

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