Cutting the Chai logo Interactive Schedule (Group Stage)
WORLD CUP FOOTBALL 2010   Click on the column title to sort the list (All times in IST)
Match Date - Time Team 1 Team 2 Group Venue
1 11/06/10 19:30 South Africa Mexico A Johannesburg - JSC
2 12/06/10 00:00 Uruguay France A Cape Town
17 17/06/10 00:00 South Africa Uruguay A Tshwane/Pretoria
18 18/06/10 00:00 France Mexico A Polokwane
33 22/06/10 19:30 Mexico Uruguay A Rustenburg
34 22/06/10 19:30 France South Africa A Mangaung/Bloemfontein
3 12/06/10 19:30 Argentina Nigeria B Johannesburg - JEP
4 12/06/10 17:00 Korea Republic Greece B Nelson Mandela Bay/Port Elizabeth
19 17/06/10 19:30 Greece Nigeria B Mangaung/Bloemfontein
20 17/06/10 17:00 Argentina Korea Republic B Johannesburg - JSC
35 23/06/10 00:00 Nigeria Korea Republic B Durban
36 23/06/10 00:00 Greece Argentina B Polokwane
5 13/06/10 00:00 England USA C Rustenburg
6 13/06/10 17:00 Algeria Slovenia C Polokwane
22 18/06/10 19:30 Slovenia USA C Johannesburg - JEP
23 19/06/10 00:00 England Algeria C Cape Town
37 23/06/10 19:30 Slovenia England C Nelson Mandela Bay/Port Elizabeth
38 23/06/10 19:30 USA Algeria C Tshwane/Pretoria
7 14/06/10 00:00 Germany Australia D Durban
8 13/06/10 19:30 Serbia Ghana D Tshwane/Pretoria
21 18/06/10 17:00 Germany Serbia D Nelson Mandela Bay/Port Elizabeth
24 19/06/10 19:30 Ghana Australia D Rustenburg
39 24/06/10 00:00 Ghana Germany D Johannesburg - JSC
40 24/06/10 00:00 Australia Serbia D Nelspruit
9 14/06/10 17:00 Netherlands Denmark E Johannesburg - JSC
10 14/06/10 19:30 Japan Cameroon E Mangaung/Bloemfontein
25 19/06/10 17:00 Netherlands Japan E Durban
26 20/06/10 00:00 Cameroon Denmark E Tshwane/Pretoria
43 25/06/10 00:00 Denmark Japan E Rustenburg
44 25/06/10 00:00 Cameroon Netherlands E Cape Town
11 15/06/10 00:00 Italy Paraguay F Cape Town
12 15/06/10 17:00 New Zealand Slovakia F Rustenburg
27 20/06/10 17:00 Slovakia Paraguay F Mangaung/Bloemfontein
28 20/06/10 19:30 Italy New Zealand F Nelspruit
41 24/06/10 19:30 Slovakia Italy F Johannesburg - JEP
42 24/06/10 19:30 Paraguay New Zealand F Polokwane
13 15/06/10 19:30 Côte d'Ivoire Portugal G Nelson Mandela Bay/Port Elizabeth
14 16/06/10 00:00 Brazil Korea DPR G Johannesburg - JEP
29 21/06/10 00:00 Brazil Côte d'Ivoire G Johannesburg - JSC
30 21/06/10 17:00 Portugal Korea DPR G Cape Town
45 25/06/10 19:30 Portugal Brazil G Durban
46 25/06/10 19:30 Korea DPR Côte d'Ivoire G Nelspruit
15 16/06/10 17:00 Honduras Chile H Nelspruit
16 16/06/10 19:30 Spain Switzerland H Durban
31 21/06/10 19:30 Chile Switzerland H Nelson Mandela Bay/Port Elizabeth
32 22/06/10 00:00 Spain Honduras H Johannesburg - JEP
47 26/06/10 00:00 Chile Spain H Tshwane/Pretoria
48 26/06/10 00:00 Switzerland Honduras H Mangaung/Bloemfontein

For a printable World Cup schedule/calender (IST) click here
