Never been much of a photographer. I think my brother is. Only that nowadays with two kids (and a wife) he isn’t able to devote as much time to his hobby as he would’ve liked to. I like photography. An interest that developed seeing my brother’s interest.
But I don’t think of myself as a serious photographer. Therefore instead of a DSRL I opted for a prosumer camera – the Nikon P100 (and because my Sony CyberShot DSC-S40 was ageing). It’s been about 10 days since I got my latest toy, must say I’m quite pleased with it.
I had in fact chosen the Nikon P100 over the Olympus SP-800UZ even though the SP-800 offered a better zoom (30x compared to the P100’s 26x), more megapixels (14 megapixel vs 10 megapixel) and was also priced lower. There were other contenders from Canon, Sony, Panasonic and Fuji too.
I’ve never been a megapixel fan, but I love the super zooms, the more X the better. The reason why I chose the P100 over the SP-800 was because the Nikon had better manual control (I should be able to command the camera, not the other way around) and looked and felt much much better as a camera in my hands.
Wouldn’t post a review of the P100 yet, as I’m yet to explore it in its entirety. But would like to share some photos that I took with it.
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Shutter Happy, All Over Again with the Nikon P100